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BSA Coin Collecting Merit Badge Workshop

Cupertino Coin Club Officers and Club Members offer BSA Coin Collecting Merit Badge Workshop! Please share this information with registered youth in Scouts BSA.

Sunday, February 13, 2022, 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Elks Lodge 1680 Martin Ave Santa Clara, CA 95050

Have fun earning the Coin Collecting Merit Badge!

Please email to register for this workshop:
Counselors: Emile Mestressat & Suzy Trigonis

Numismatists/Merit Badge Counselors from Cupertino Coin Club are running this workshop.

Note: Complete Requirement 10.b. by attending Cupertino Coin Club’s Friday, Feb 11 General meeting, 7:30-9:00pm at St Joseph of Cupertino Church, 10110 N De Anza Blvd, Cupertino, CA or CoinExpo San Jose Coin Show at DoubleTree Hotel, 2050 Gateway Pl, San Jose, CA 95110 Fri, Feb 4, 10am-5pm or Sat, Feb 5, 10am-4pm. Scouts should be in Class A uniform for either option. Coin Show offers discounted validated parking & $3 discounted admission for adults chaperoning uniformed Scout.

* Bring a Blue Card signed by your Scoutmaster.
* Read the Coin Collecting Merit Badge pamphlet (available for purchase at the South Bay Scout Shop), complete & bring workbook.
* It is recommended that Scouts bring a Whitman Red Book, if they have one.
* To get sign-off on the Blue Card, each Scout needs to collect and bring the coins required for Requirements 3, 6, 7, & 9 to show the Merit Badge Counselor. Although we will go over the requirements in the workshop, Scouts should be prepared to demonstrate knowledge for Requirements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, & 10. Numismatic magazines will be available and time allotted for completion of Requirement 5.b.
* Bring a notebook and pen or pencil.
* A prepared Scout should be able to complete this Merit Badge by end of workshop.
* Attendees can sign up for a free one-year youth membership with the American

Click here for flyer.

Numismatic Association (ANA)! We look forward to seeing you Feb 13!

January 2022 General Meeting In-Person & Online

Vaccinated members & guests are invited to attend our general meeting in person on Friday, Jan 14, 7:30 pm. Bring your COVID Vaccination card unless you provided it previously. Masks must be worn at all times indoors. No food or drinks will be served or permitted. A personal water bottle is allowed. Unvaccinated members or those still wishing to attend virtually may login using the credentials in this month’s newsletter.
– Auction
– Announcements
– Attendance drawing
– Birthday drawing (this month’s birthdays)
– Show & Tell
– Program:
*Guest Speaker: Kevin A
Topic: San Francisco Coinage & Early California History

In-Person December Meeting

Vaccinated members & guests are invited to attend the general meeting in person on Friday, Dec 10, 7:30 pm. Bring your COVID Vaccination card unless you provided it for a previous in-person event. Masks must be worn at all times indoors. Unvaccinated members or those still wishing to attend virtually may log in using the credentials in the Coin Press newsletter.
– Auction
– Announcements
– Attendance drawing
– Birthday drawing (this month’s birthdays)
– Show & Tell
– Program:
*Guest Speaker: Josh S
Topic: Lincoln Cents


Read the latest edition of the MintMark from the American Numismatic Association for an update on our club on page 4.

Link to 4th Quarter 2021 October-November-December MintMark


Cupertino Coin Club’s Board Director, Matthew M will be one of three presenters at this year’s Northern California Numismatic Educational Joint Forum at the Vallejo Naval & Historical Museum, this Saturday, 11/6/21, starting at 9:30 am. Matthew will be speaking on “Roaming Wild: Buffalo Nickels”. Please click the flyer link for further details.


Vaccinated members & guests are invited to attend our first in-person general meeting since March 2020 on Friday, Nov 12, 7:30 pm. Bring your COVID Vaccination card unless you provided it for the banquet last month. We will only ask you to do this once. Masks must be worn at all times indoors. No food or drinks will be served or permitted with the exception of a personal water bottle. Unvaccinated members or those still wishing to attend virtually may login using the credentials in this month’s newsletter.
– Auction
– Announcements
– Attendance drawing
– Birthday drawing (this month’s birthdays)
– Show & Tell
– Program:
*Guest Speaker: Joe M
Topic: Irradiated Dimes
– Youth Drawing

We look forward to seeing you!


This year’s medal was designed by our club Vice President, Suzy Trigonis. The design is of the Calvin C. Flint Center for Performing Arts at DeAnza College in Cupertino, CA, which is slated to be demolished. It was named after the Foothill-DeAnza Community College District Superintendent and first Chancellor. The Flint Center was the campus venue for Broadway shows, ballet performances, celebrity & author talks, orchestral concerts which opened in 1971 and held its last event, Palo Alto University graduation, on June 22, 2019. The Flint Center for the Performing Arts was the place where the young Apple co-founder Steve Jobs unveiled the first Macintosh computer in 1984. Singer Johnny Cash, actor Cary Grant, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and every U.S. president since Richard Nixon except George W. Bush and Donald Trump took to the stage over the decades.

This medal is 1 ounce 0.999 fine silver. Don’t miss your opportunity to own one of these beautiful medals for $35, shipping extra. 🙂

Click here for 2021 Medal Order Form


We planned to have the October 2021 meeting be our first in-person meeting in 18 months, but regret that we had to make a last-minute change and hold this meeting online via Zoom. Key individuals were potentially exposed to Covid recently. To ensure our members’ health and safety, we felt it best to hold this meeting online and apologize for the late notice. Our Junior President, Aidan will be running the meeting and our Guest Speaker will be Emile, with an interactive presentation about Fascinating Facts about U.S. Coins – Part 2. Thank you for your understanding.


October 8, Friday – GENERAL CLUB MEETING –

** First In-Person Meeting since March 2020 **

October is Youth Night! Our Junior President, Aiden L, will be presiding over the meeting. Emile M, will be our October Guest Speaker. His program will be Part II of Fascinating Facts About U.S. Coins. With in-person meetings, we will be able to resume the auction, youth drawing, and club drawing. Bring something for Show & Tell. All youth who participate in S&T receive a prize. In an effort to keep everyone safe, we are requesting that all eligible members and guests be COVID-19 vaccinated (ages 12 and up). Please have proof of vaccination to show at the entrance of your first in-person meeting. We will check off names so that you will not need to show proof at subsequent meetings or events. In order to continue to meet at St Joseph Church, our club must maintain 3-foot social distancing between families and wear face masks during the meeting. No food or drink will be served at the meeting but you may bring a personal water bottle. We will request and maintain contact tracing information so that should anyone who attends the meeting become ill afterward we will be able to notify the other attendees. Please join us Friday, Oct 8 at 7:30 pm.

October 14, Thursday – DEADLINE TO SIGN UP FOR BANQUET –

Don’t miss attending this year’s banquet at Three Flames Restaurant Sunday, October 24. You may participate in person or order your meal To-Go and participate remotely via Zoom. Remember to turn in your Banquet Reservation by Oct 14. Save yourself postage by turning it in to Suzy T at the Oct 8 meeting. Make your check out to Cupertino Coin Club. Reservation Form

October 20, Wednesday – BOARD MEETING –

Monthly board meeting, Wed, Oct 20, 7:30 pm via Zoom. All members are welcome.

October 24, Sunday – ANNUAL BANQUET –

Enjoy an evening out with fellow club members and their guests, socializing, dining, playing games, and receiving awards and tokens of appreciation. Three Flames Restaurant, 1547 Meridian Ave., San Jose, CA 95125. Social hour starts at 5:00 pm. Dinner is served at 6:00 pm. Awards & President’s Thank You gifts follow dinner. Games, including BINGO follow awards. We say goodnight to each other at 9:00 pm. Please join us for the fun!


Cupertino Coin Club members and their guests are invited to join fellow coin club members for a wonderful evening out for in-person socializing, a special meal, games including guessing and BINGO, awards, and recognition on Sunday, October 24, 2021, starting at 5:00 pm, at Three Flames Restaurant on Meridian Ave. in the Willow Glen neighborhood of San Jose. The restaurant is easily
accessible from the Hamilton Ave exit off of Highway 17/880. Dinner options
include a generous 16-oz. Prime Rib, Chicken Parmasean, Tilapia, and
Pasta Rose. See the banquet order form below or attached to your September newsletter for a full description of each dish. All meals, including To-Go orders,
are complete and include a house salad, bread & butter, seasonal
vegetables, oven-roasted red potatoes, tea, coffee, lemonade, or soft
drinks, and dessert. (Drinks not included with To-Go orders.) Remote-access attendees will be able to participate in the awards portion of the program via Zoom if requested. We will be in a private mid-sized banquet room. All restaurant staff are fully vaccinated and wear masks. Registration for this event must be received by October 14, 2021. We look forward to seeing you at this fun event!

Click here for the Reservation Form