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NUMISMATIC NEWS Article Highlights CCC’s Coin Collecting MB Workshop

We received a full page on page 34 of the April 26, 2022 issue – Vol. 71 No. 10 – of Numismatic News for Vice President Suzanne T’s article, “40 Scouts Earn Coin Collecting Badge” which talks about the success of our February 13 Workshop which introduced youth in Scouting to a life-long hobby of coin collecting. Eight members of Cupertino Coin Club, including six who are currently board officers and six who are Eagle Scouts.

Click to read article.

Click to read whole issue.


MintMark, published by the ANA, has published our article in the Q2 2022 edition, on the successful BSA Coin Collecting Merit Badge Workshop, lead by Emile and Suzy with six CCC members, which we put on in February. See pages 5-6.


Bring a friend, or two, to our next meeting on May 13, and you will be entered into our special Friend Drawing for a prize. Plus, you and your friend(s) will have fun at the meeting. This applies to both youth and adults! Thank you for introducing your friend to a potential new hobby and helping our club to grow!


Thank you for being members of Cupertino Coin Club. We value your membership and participation in our club. The Board of Directors and Officers thank you for pledging to support us at the April induction in our efforts to keep this club thriving. COVID has had a negative impact on the club. We were not able to hold a show in 2021. The clock is running on lead time needed to put on a show in 2022. Costs are rising everywhere. The club continues to have expenses for things such as monthly meeting room rental, minimal meeting snacks, club website, insurance, and the medals produced in 2020-21 for a show which we have yet to hold, including two dies for both the obverse and reverse. We need your monetary support. Please show your support by bringing your dues current by submitting your $12.00/year (that’s $1.00/month) for adults and $6/year (that’s 50¢/month). We found it necessary to increase our annual dues which had remained $5/year for adults and $1/year for youth, for 21 years, but that is no longer viable. If you value your numismatic hobby, local club, and the friendships made here, and want to keep this club running, please become current on your dues. You can mail your check to the club PO Box or give it to the club Treasurer in person at the next meeting. If you prefer to pay electronically, please contact the club Vice President at for the email address linked to a PayPal Account. Do not attempt to PayPal directly to the club email; it won’t work. Thank you, again!


Don’t be frightened! Our May general meeting will be Friday the 13th. Although this will be a hybrid meeting with a Zoom option, you will want to attend in-person in order to participate in the program. The 100 Grand Challenge is back! We will run a numismatic Q & A game, run by our Vice President and Program Chair, Suzy. Winners of each question will receive a 100 Grand! (Fun-Sized candy bars will be given to the winners. Gluten- & dairy-free participants will receive an alternate yummy treat. We didn’t forget about you!) The general meeting will also feature our usual auction, show & tell, attendance & birthday drawings. If you are not current on your dues, you can mail your $12 per year dues to the club PO Box or pay them to the Club Treasurer, Emile, at the May meeting. Our meeting will begin at 7:30 pm at St. Joseph of Cupertino Church.

We will have a virtual board meeting Wed, May 18, 7:30 pm. All members are welcome to attend. Please contact the Club President, Gran at for the Zoom link if you are interested.

MEETING DATE CHANGE: General Meeting Moved to April 1

This is NO April Fool’s joke. Key Club Officers needed to run the April General Meeting are not available April 8. The church was not available to us on Good Friday, April 15, so we have decided to move the April meeting up one week. We hope you will join us at 7:30 pm on the FIRST Friday of April, April 1 at St. Joseph of Cupertino Church.

We will have a hybrid meeting again, with in-person and Zoom available. The meeting will feature an auction, show & tell, attendance & birthday drawings, plus the induction of Club Officers & Board of Directors for the 2022-2023 term and Keith S’s presentation on “Numismatic Thorns”.

Dues are due, so please plan to make your $12 dues payment at the meeting to the Club Treasurer or mail your dues check to the club PO Box.

We will have a virtual board meeting Wed, April 20, 7:30 pm. All members are welcome to attend. Please contact the Club President, Gran at for the Zoom link if you are interested.


The Friday, March 11 general meeting will be an in-person business meeting that will feature our usual auction, show & tell, attendance & birthday drawings, plus the annual election of Club Officers & Board of Directors for the 2022-2023 term and a slideshow, highlighting all the fun events this club has participated in over the last 12 months, March 2021 – February 2022. Members in good standing are eligible to vote for the 2022-2023 Board. If you are not current on your dues, you can mail your $12 per year dues to the club PO Box or pay them to the Club Treasurer, Emile, at the March meeting prior to the election. You won’t want to miss this exciting iMovie video that Board Director Alex is helping Program Chair Suzy put together. Our meeting will begin at 7:30 pm at St. Joseph of Cupertino Church.

We will have a virtual board meeting Wed, March 16, 7:30 pm. All members are welcome to attend. Please contact the Club President, Gran at for the Zoom link if you are interested.

New Location for BSA Coin Collecting Merit Badge Workshop Sunday, Feb. 13

Sadly, the Elks Lodge in Santa Clara was destroyed by a fire on January 30th. We have been fortunate enough to be given permission to hold our BSA Coin Collecting Merit Badge Workshop at the newly-renovated, 300-capacity hall at:

American Legion Post 419
958 Homestead Rd
Santa Clara, CA 95050

Eight volunteer Merit Badge Counselors from Cupertino Coin Club look forward to working with the 50+ registered Scouts on Sunday!


CoinExpo San Jose
Fri, Feb 4, 10 am – 5 pm
Sat, Feb 5, 10 am – 4 pm
Double Tree Hotel
2050 Gateway Pl
San Jose, CA
Show Producer: Scott Griffin
Portsmouth Square Company

Cupertino Coin Club February General Meeting (In-Person/Zoom hybrid)
Fri, Feb 11, 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
St Joseph of Cupertino Church
10110 N De Anza Blvd
Cupertino CA

– Auction
– Announcements
– Attendance drawing
– Birthday drawing (this month’s birthdays)
– Show & Tell
– Program: *Guest Speaker: Mike W
Topic: The Fitzgerald Hoard

BSA Coin Collecting Merit Badge Workshop
Sun, Feb 13, 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Elks Lodge
1680 Martin Ave
Santa Clara CA
Open to Scouts ages 11-17 registered to a Scouts BSA Troop.

February Board Meeting
Wed, Feb 16, 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Via Zoom.
All members welcome.

2022 Coin Show
Cupertino Coin Club’s annual coin show will NOT be in February this year. We are working on the details for a show later this year and will keep you posted. Our aim is to keep the show at St Joseph of Cupertino Church. Please accept our apologies for the delay. You can also check back on our website under the Annual Show tab for the latest. Thank you!

January 14 General Meeting

Yes, we will be meeting in person this Friday at St Joseph of Cupertino Church, starting at 7:30 pm! We look forward to seeing you there!