NNP Symposium 2020 – August 28-29

Check out their website for information on this free online educational event via Zoom  at


Picnic with Friends

Although the club didn’t have an official club picnic this year, a few friends who met through CCC got together outdoors yesterday for a physically-distanced picnic at a local park to catch up and enjoy one another’s company. Ken brought the new 2021 Red Books and the new 6th edition Mega Red Book. Suzy brought a challenge coin for Don from Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council, BSA’s Camp Hi-Sierra. Don showed off his new basketball coin from the Young Numismatist’s collection. Attendees included Steve, Suzy, Emile, Charlotte, Don, Ken, Keith, Brian, & Greg.

Join our GREAT club!

Would you like to be a part of this fun club? Just fill out the application (click link below and print out), then send it in with your dues. Dues are only $5 a year for adults and $1 a year for youth. During the pandemic, we will be meeting monthly online via the Zoom virtual meeting platform. To receive the link to login, become a member and it will be emailed to you with the monthly newsletter. Until we can physically meet indoors again, we will attempt to plan a few physically-distanced, Santa Clara County Health Department-permitted, outdoor social activities. We hope to see you soon!

CCC New Member Application 2020

Another Successful Online Meeting

2020-2021 Board of Directors being inducted by Ken. Additional board members were on the Zoom call via phone. All board members were in attendance.

WOW! Another successful Zoom general meeting! We had a record 31 attendees with 29 members and two guests! Robin G won the July birthday drawing, with no other competition in attendance. We had 11 people share items from their collections during Show & Tell. We congratulated Finn D (who shared his Eagle Scout Challenge coin) on recently earning the rank of Eagle Scout. Keith S won the Show & Tell drawing. Mike W won the attendance drawing. All drawing prizes will be awarded at our first physically-attended post-Covid meeting. Ken B expertly and humorously inducted the 2020-2021 Board of Directors into office. Harold did an excellent job putting together an informative and professional slide presentation of beautiful Patents & Art of Large-sized Currency Notes. Excellent job, Harold! Thank you! The meeting lasted just over an hour. Until next month, everyone. Our August guest speaker will be our Board Director, Matthew M. Topic to be determined. Stay safe & healthy! 💵

Harold presenting about the art of large-sized currency notes.

July Online Club Meeting

Join our July online club meeting, Friday, July 10, 7:30-8:30 pm, to hear Harold W talk about the Art and Patents of Large Currency Notes. We will also hold a birthday drawing for July birthday members, and a Show and Tell. We look forward to seeing you online!

Virtual Meeting a Success!

By Suzy T.

Cupertino Coin Club held its first virtual coin club meeting Friday, May 8, 2020, using the Zoom video conferencing platform. Notification with the link, meeting number, password, and dial-in phone numbers were posted in Cupertino Coin Press which was sent to all members. There were 25 members in attendance which is a really great number considering regular club meetings usually have about 35 attendees and meetings with meals draw about 50. Announcements were shared, mostly of canceled shows. New members were introduced and welcomed. They found our club website and Facebook page and reached out in a Messenger message about how to join. They emailed their application and submitted their dues via PayPal. Not our usual method! A Scout guest and his parent from our March BSA Coin Club Merit Badge Workshop were welcomed. Two birthday drawings were held for April and May birthdays. Four members with birthdays were in attendance, two with April birthdays and two with May birthdays. Prizes for the winners will be held until they can be given to the recipients in person at a future physical club meeting. Show and Tell had eight participants, two of whom were youth. No drawings were held for virtual Show and Tell. We will try it out for our June meeting. Don P. gave an outstanding half-hour presentation on Sacagawea Dollars You Don’t Know About. He took over our computer screens so that we could view his PowerPoint slides. It was informative, engaging and entertaining. Afterwards, members continued to socialize on topics outside of numismatics, which was nice, and reminiscent of what we would have done during break at our physical meetings. Monthly online club meetings will continue until we are able to meet in person in Cupertino. Our club’s 50th anniversary, which was scheduled for April 2020, will have to remain on hold until we can safely meet physically.

Sacagawea Golden Dollars

Fantastic online club meeting last night! 😃 Thank you, Don, for your great presentation! 👏 Attached is his PowerPoint presentation on Sacagawea golden dollars.

Sacagawea Dollars You Didn’t Know About 2020-05

A Distributed Library

By Keith S.

About eight years ago I salvaged over 1,000 pounds of wide, thick, and old oak flooring. I built a wall unit 11 feet wide and floor to ceiling with a cabinet below and a huge drawer for office supplies. All the time thinking of the pictures of library ladders, circular staircases, beautiful wood and artwork.
Not to forget the books themselves.

Filling it was satisfying until I realized there wasn’t enough room. I added six more small shelf units that were embedded into walls and behind doors or out of the way areas. These are in non-loadbearing, interior walls 16 inches above floor level and don’t interfere with electrical outlets. Shelf length is 18 to 32 inches, each unit is seven to 15 feet of total shelf length, and depth is 9 inches. Still not enough space!

I started watching a series on TV called Hoarders and about the same time I cleaned out an entire house by myself. It was obvious that something had to go. Over 400 pounds of numismatic catalogues, and over 35 years of National Geographic (saved the maps and 8 issues total). Brought them to coin shows with the famous FREE sign. All disappeared. Architectural Digest, Byte, and a number of building journals were next and still being processed. Even the Numismatic was targeted after extracting select pages.
They too will go to coin club meetings and shows.

Including a 19th-century library table and two other shelves there is nearly 240 feet of total shelf length. A few short shelves exist for coffee table books to lie horizontal (such as The Complete Far Side with slipcase). After all the effort the numismatic part is nearly distilled and ordered by category, age, and those with special storage needs. Total shelf length is nearly 40 feet and includes those pesky ancient history books. Nothing is left on the floor – piles not allowed.

I work with the Friends of the Library and can process over a ton of books for a sale in less than four hours (window shopping all the time).

Books Anonymous anyone?

May Club Meeting will be Online!

Although we need to suspend holding our physical coin club general meetings at St. Joseph of Cupertino Church for the time being, we will resume our monthly club meetings with the May meeting online via the video conferencing platform, Zoom. You need to set up a free Zoom account ahead of time. On May 8, please login a few minutes before 7:30. If you do not have a speaker on your computer, you can also dial into the local or toll-free numbers via phone for audio. The link to the meeting will only be sent to current club members who receive our Cupertino Coin Press newsletter.

Program for May meeting:
– Announcements
– Birthday drawing for April and May – As usual, if you have birthdays in these months, you will need to attend the meeting.
– Show & Tell – Please share something from your collection with our usual 2-minute limit. Please signup for Show & Tell using the Chat feature once you log into Zoom.
– Guest Speaker: Don P. speaking on Collecting Sacagawea for about 30 minutes

We are looking forward to seeing everyone Friday, May 8 at our online meeting! This should be fun!

Your New Board of Directors!

At our March meeting we had our annual elections for the Board of Directors for 2020-2021. The elected officers are:

President – Suzy T.
Junior President – Aidan L.
Vice President – Gran G. IV
Recording Secretary – Lyle O.
Corresponding Secretary – Al L.
Treasurer – Emile M.
Historian – Harold W.
Board Members: Brian D.
Martha D.
Matthew M.
Rita M.
Fred D.
Granville G. V

Our officer installation will be at the next meeting, hopefully, May, along with our medal design contest.