Category Archives: Uncategorized

BSA Coin Collecting Merit Badge Workshop April 13, 1:30-5:00

All Scouts registered in a Scouts BSA (formerly Boy Scout) Troop are invited to attend this free workshop at CoinExpo at the Santa Clara Convention Center April 13 and earn their Coin Collecting Merit Badge. Please click on link below to see additional details including prerequisites. We look forward to seeing you next month!

BSA Coin Collecting Merit Badge Workshop April 2019

March 2019 Meeting – Board Elections

Our next meeting will be Friday, March 8, beginning at 7:30 pm. In addition to our usual auction, show & tell, youth raffle, and drawing, the program for this evening will be elections for the 2019 – 2020 Board of Directors. Please see Al Lo, Nominations Chair, to make a nomination for either yourself or another club member.

As a reminder, all guests, including youth, are welcome at our meetings, so please bring a friend to check out our club!

Ikes for “A”s – JFKs for “B”s

Attention youth! At Cupertino Coin Club’s February 17 Coin Show, students in primary grades through high school will be eligible to participate in a numismatic reward program for good grades. They can receive an Ike dollar for each A grade and a JFK half dollar for each B grade. Below is the criteria:
1. The student needs to be accompanied by an adult, preferably a parent or legal guardian.
2. The student must present an original report card from the most recent semester in the current academic/school year, issued by an accredited public or private educational institution.
3. The original report card shown must be in the generally recognized standard grading system of letter grades, A to F.
This generous program is a joint effort by the Fairfield Coin Club, Northern California Numismatic Association (NCNA), and Vallejo Numismatic Society.
For questions, please email or Thank you.

February Meeting – Special Guest Speaker

Our next general meeting will be February 8, 2019, starting at 7:00 pm with our auction, show & tell, and youth raffle, followed by our program presentation beginning at about 8:30. The presentation will be about 40 minutes long and will be followed by our drawing.

We are honored to announce that we will have Donald H. Kagin, Ph.D., of Kagin’s Inc., noted gold scholar, expert in ancient gold coins, and well-known author and auctioneer will be our club’s special guest speaker at our this meeting, presenting his innovative and entertaining program, “The Oldest Living Pioneer.”

Take a journey with the one man that experienced the famous Gold Rushes in the United States during the 1800’s; from the Carolinas to California, from Georgia to Colorado, including the Mormons and their role in the Gold Rush. Imagine that he knew about all of the coins that were issued from the gold discovered in these rushes and how they came about? The Oldest Living Pioneer tells the story of our nation’s gold rushes from a ‘firsthand’ perspective, live! Learn about the era that defined our nation with the world’s “Oldest Living Pioneer”, a one-man show by Donald H. Kagin, Ph.D./ Numismatics, the world’s leading authority on ancient and Pioneer Gold coins, well-known author and auctioneer. A one-act narrative accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation.

This meeting is not to be missed! Please invite your numismatic friends.

For more information about Dr. Kagin, please visit



Our January general meeting will be:

Friday, January 11, 2019, 7:30 pm

Guest Speaker: Donald Hill
Topic: Making Collecting Fun for Non-Collectors: an Alternative to Traditional Collecting of Type Coins

December 21 Meeting – Holiday Celebration

Our December meeting will be our Christmas celebration on the third Friday, December 21, 2018 at 7:00 pm. Please bring a yummy potluck item to share with fellow club members. No speaker that night, but there will be an auction, show & tell, youth raffle, and general drawing. We look forward to seeing you there.

September 2018 Meeting

Our next general meeting will be on:

Friday, September 21, 2018 @ 7:00 PM

Please note this is changed from the previously stated date.

The program for this meeting will be:

Septemberfest! Bring a potluck salad, side, or fruit.

August 2018 Meeting

Our next general meeting will be on:

Friday, August 10, 2018 @ 7:30 PM

The program for this meeting will be:

On the Fundamentals of Grading US
Coins; speaker: Don Pa.

The Cupertino Coin Club/San Jose Coin Club Picnic

The joint clubs’ picnic will take place on:

Saturday, August 18 2018 @ 12:00PM

Click here for the picnic form.

July 2018 Meeting

Our next general meeting will be on:

Friday, July 13 2018 @ 7:00 PM

The program for this meeting will be:

H.D. night, and Beauty and the Beast contest