Category Archives: Uncategorized


All of the recordings from the NNP Symposium are now available on the Newman Numismatic Portal! You can go back to watch any talks that you missed and share them with others.
We’ve added one entirely new session – a “part two” to Thomas Sparks’ presentation on Short Snorters of WWII.


Due to the smoke, we are moving our banquet out one month to Sunday, October 18, 2020. All other details remain unchanged.
We look forward to seeing you next month at Palermo. Get your reservation in today.
Revised banquet reservation form for new orders:
If you have already turned yours in, you do not need to turn in another one.


Cupertino Coin Club will be holding our 2020 banquet for members and their guest(s) this year at Palermo in San Jose on Sunday, September, 20, 5:00 – 9:00 pm.

This is our 50th year as a club! Our usual banquet venue, The Blue Pheasant is currently closed. We found this lovely Italian restaurant with its four separate outdoor patios, delicious food, and ambiance overlooking Los Gatos Creek. We have reserved a private, shaded patio all to ourselves. The restaurant is centrally located with easy access from the freeway. All pandemic safety precautions will be made as mandated by the County of Santa Clara. Tables of six will be safely spaced apart from one another per County Orders. Servers will be wearing face coverings and gloves. Guests, except the very young or those for whom it is medically inadvisable, must wear face coverings at all times except while eating or drinking.

Four complete meal choices of Lasagne Meat Sauce, Chicken Parmigiana, Grilled Wild Salmon, or Veal Piccata are being offered. Each dinner includes a fresh green garden salad, bread & butter, coffee or tea, and a house-made dessert. Cupertino Coin Club is subsidizing $10 of each meal, bringing the restaurant’s prices down from $39 and $45. Your prices will be $29 for Lasagna, Chicken, or Salmon, and $35 for Veal. These prices are inclusive of all taxes and gratuities. Attendees will receive an exclusive free 2020 Banquet Chip for the first 48 people who sign up or a free Club Medal after the initial 48.

The evening will begin at 5:00 pm for Social Hour, drinks, and guessing games. Dinner will begin at 6:00 pm. Following dessert, Awards and President’s Thank You gifts will be presented. Lastly, we will conclude with the results of guessing games and play some Bingo for prizes.

RSVP – We ask that you submit your reservation to the Banquet Chair by sending in your payment with order form by Wednesday, September 16. (This is the last date we will check the PO Box before the banquet.) We will take PayPal electronic payments if you email your Banquet Order Form to We will respond with PayPal instructions. (There is no charge to use PayPal.) We look forward to seeing you there and having a wonderful evening. Ciao!

Link to order form:


Lucky cat holding golden coin. Japanese Maneki Neco cat waving hand paw icon. Chinese gold Ingot money. Feng shui Success wealth symbol mascot Cute character

Last evening, we held another successful club meeting online via Zoom. There were 21 members in attendance, including two youth members. Mike W, a Leo, won the August birthday drawing. We had nine participants sharing items from their collections during Show & Tell. Martha D won the Show & Tell drawing. Thank you, Harold W, for running Show & Tell. Richard J won the attendance drawing. Thank you, Emile M, for running the attendance drawing. We had seven entrants for the Beauty & the Beast contest; three beauties and four “beasties”. Suzy T won the beauty with her Forever Love silver coin. There was a tie for the “beastie” category. Steve T’s crusted, clipped cent and Suzy T’s virtually indistinguishable and badly scratched quarter both won. Thank you, Gran G, for running this contest. A big “Thank you” goes to Mike W for his interesting and informative presentation on “Collecting Third-Party Grading Holders” explaining the history of various grading companies and collecting for the holders not the coins. Link to his slides:

Third Party Grading Presentation Slides – CCC Aug-20

Or view off our Google Drive at:

Our next general meeting on Zoom will be Fri, Sept 11, 7:30. Matthew M will be our guest speaker talking about Buffalo Nickels.

Enjoy your hobby! 😊

Club August General Meeting – Fri, Aug 14


Members are invited to attend our online Zoom meeting Friday, August 14, 7:30 pm. The login information will be emailed to you with the August newsletter.

– Announcements
– Birthday drawing (August birthdays)
– Show & Tell
– Attendance drawing
– Beauty & the Beast Contest*
– Guest Speaker: Mike W
Topic: History of 3rd-Party Grading Companies

*Please submit photos of your beauty and your beast via email to the club email address by Friday morning to participate in this contest.

See you then!

NNP Symposium 2020 – August 28-29

Check out their website for information on this free online educational event via Zoom  at

Picnic with Friends

Although the club didn’t have an official club picnic this year, a few friends who met through CCC got together outdoors yesterday for a physically-distanced picnic at a local park to catch up and enjoy one another’s company. Ken brought the new 2021 Red Books and the new 6th edition Mega Red Book. Suzy brought a challenge coin for Don from Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council, BSA’s Camp Hi-Sierra. Don showed off his new basketball coin from the Young Numismatist’s collection. Attendees included Steve, Suzy, Emile, Charlotte, Don, Ken, Keith, Brian, & Greg.

Join our GREAT club!

Would you like to be a part of this fun club? Just fill out the application (click link below and print out), then send it in with your dues. Dues are only $5 a year for adults and $1 a year for youth. During the pandemic, we will be meeting monthly online via the Zoom virtual meeting platform. To receive the link to login, become a member and it will be emailed to you with the monthly newsletter. Until we can physically meet indoors again, we will attempt to plan a few physically-distanced, Santa Clara County Health Department-permitted, outdoor social activities. We hope to see you soon!

CCC New Member Application 2020

Another Successful Online Meeting

2020-2021 Board of Directors being inducted by Ken. Additional board members were on the Zoom call via phone. All board members were in attendance.

WOW! Another successful Zoom general meeting! We had a record 31 attendees with 29 members and two guests! Robin G won the July birthday drawing, with no other competition in attendance. We had 11 people share items from their collections during Show & Tell. We congratulated Finn D (who shared his Eagle Scout Challenge coin) on recently earning the rank of Eagle Scout. Keith S won the Show & Tell drawing. Mike W won the attendance drawing. All drawing prizes will be awarded at our first physically-attended post-Covid meeting. Ken B expertly and humorously inducted the 2020-2021 Board of Directors into office. Harold did an excellent job putting together an informative and professional slide presentation of beautiful Patents & Art of Large-sized Currency Notes. Excellent job, Harold! Thank you! The meeting lasted just over an hour. Until next month, everyone. Our August guest speaker will be our Board Director, Matthew M. Topic to be determined. Stay safe & healthy! 💵

Harold presenting about the art of large-sized currency notes.

July Online Club Meeting

Join our July online club meeting, Friday, July 10, 7:30-8:30 pm, to hear Harold W talk about the Art and Patents of Large Currency Notes. We will also hold a birthday drawing for July birthday members, and a Show and Tell. We look forward to seeing you online!