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Club October Happenings

Oct. 11, Fri. – Youth Night General Meeting – St. Joseph of Cupertino Church, 7:30 pm, Parish Hall. Youth of all ages are encouraged to join us as Junior President, Griffin, runs the meeting for us again. The guest speaker for the evening will be youth member, Andrew, who will be talking about Australian coins and currency.

Note: This meeting is your last chance to turn in your reservation and payment to Banquet Chair, Gary, for the annual club banquet held Oct 20.

Oct. 16, Wed. – CCC Board Meeting – All members welcome! St. Joseph of Cupertino Church, 7:30 pm, room 7.

Oct. 20, Sun. – Annual Club Member Banquet – Blue Pheasant Restaurant, 5:00 – 9:00 pm. Deadline to turn in your reservation and payment to Banquet Chair, Gary, is Fri., Oct 11, at the general meeting.

Future Numismatists!

Sixty-six Scouts registered and attended our BSA Coin Collecting Merit Badge Workshop last weekend at CoinExpo Santa Clara! Wow! This far-exceeded our expected attendance! Scouts arrived early, looked around the show, sat in on the hour-long workshop, then met with one of our nine wonderful Merit Badge Counselors. Most Scouts were well-prepared! Many Scouts completed the Merit Badge today. Some have a few requirements yet to complete. Some will be meeting with one of our Merit Badge Counselors in the near future to go over their requirements. All were invited to attend next month’s Cupertino Coin Club meeting on October 11 which will be Youth Night, run by our Junior President and Life Scout, Griffin. The Guest Speaker for that night is a Youth Member and Life Scout, Andrew, who will talk about Australian Currency and Coins.

Our nine wonderful Coin Collecting Merit Badge Counselors: Kyle, Suzy, Todd, Don, Brian, Gran, Granville, Alex, and Emile.

Club September Happenings

Cupertino Coin Club has a busy September ahead of us!

Sept. 13-15 – CoinExpo at the Santa Clara Convention Center – Our Club will help support Scott Griffin, the show producer, at the show with set-up, front desk registration, supplies table, and tear-down. We thank Scott for his club support offering us a table out in front of the ballroom for our drawing tickets and prizes. There will be 15 prizes up for grabs, three of which contain gold! The other 12 are silver American Eagles!

Sept. 14 – BSA Coin Collecting Merit Badge Workshop – CCC Officers, Emile Mestressat and Suzy Trigonis will again be running this fun elective merit badge workshop to all Scouts, boys and girls, registered to a Scouts BSA Troop. We will be assisted by several other CCC members who are Merit Badge Counselors. This will be held at CoinExpo at the Santa Clara Convention Center from 1:00-5:00 pm. We hope to have another great turn-out! We thank Scott Griffin for offering us the space on the floor to make this available to youth in Scouting.

Sept. 14 – CSNA/NCNA 6th Annual Northern California Numismatic Forum – CCC Young Adult Member, Matthew Malvini will be one of the four presenters speaking on San Francisco Transit Tokens in 1906. This will be held at the Vallejo Naval & Historical Museum in Vallejo, doors open at 8:30 am.

Sept. 18 – CCC Board Meeting – All members welcome! St. Joseph of Cupertino Church, 7:30 pm, room 7.

Sept. 20 – SeptemberFest General Meeting – St. Joseph of Cupertino Church, 7:00 pm, Parish Hall. Please bring a side dish (salad (green, pasta, fruit), fruit (grapes, Cuties, etc.), side dish, chips, or dessert) to share to complement the sandwiches. Doors open at 6:30 pm.

CCC & SJCC Joint Picnic – Sat., Aug. 10, Noon-3:00pm

Reminder for those who RSVPd for the joint coin club picnic that Saturday is the picnic from noon-3:00pm. The BBQ will be closed at 1:00, so be sure to come at early.

August 2019 Meeting – Beauty & the Beast Contest and Filling the Holes

Join us Friday, August 9 at 7:30. Bring your prettiest and ugliest coins to enter in our Beauty & the Beast contest.

Guest Speaker, Don P. will tell you how to fill some holes in your collection with reasonable replicas.

CCC/SJCC Joint Picnic

Please turn in your RSVP for the August picnic to Fred at tonight’s meeting so that there will be sufficient time to shop for the food. The August meeting is the day before the picnic. Thank you.

CCC-SJCC 2019 Joint Picnic Flyer

July 2019 Meeting – Hot Dog/Potluck Night & Guest Speaker

Please join us Friday, July 12 at 7:00 pm for Hot Dog Night. Be sure to bring a potluck item to share that will help compliment the meal. A salad, fresh fruit, veggies, chips, side dish, or dessert would be much appreciated.

Guest Speaker: Harold W.
Topic: Who’s That?


June 2019 Meeting – Other Hobbies Night

Share your interest in other activities that you do for pleasure in your leisure time. This will be separate from Show & Tell with no prizes given for speaking. We look forward to hearing about and seeing the variety of our members’ other hobbies.

 Friday, June 14, 2019, 7:30 pm, Community Room.

49th Anniversary Celebration & Hot Dog/Polish/Potluck

This Friday, May 10, starting at 7:00 pm

Please bring a potluck item (side dish, salad, chips, fruit, or dessert) to share that will help complement the meal. This event celebrates our club’s 49th anniversary. Please be sure that your dues are paid; they help pay for this event, among other events. See Membership Chair, Al Lo to pay your 2019 dues. Thank you!

Program Change for April and May Meetings

PLEASE NOTE: Due to CoinExpo and our April meeting falling on the same date, April 12, we have decided to make the following changes to our programs for the next two months:

April 12 meeting: Starts at 7:30 pm for Installation of Officers, Medal Design Contest, and Guest Speaker, Ed Sins’ presentation on the Carson City Mint.

May 10 meeting: Starts at 7:00 pm for 49th Anniversary Celebration with Hot Dog/Polish Night. Please bring a potluck item (side dish, salad, fruit, chip, dessert) to share to help complement the meal. Thank you!