

(Image coming)



1 oz. 0.999 fine Silver

The new 2024 Club Medals are in! Help celebrate Cupertino Coin Club’s 50th Annual Coin Show! The year 2024 is also the Lunar Year of the Dragon, which represents qualities such as power, strength, good luck, and wisdom. You can own this beautiful one-ounce 0.999 fine silver for $38, designed by club President, Suzy Trigonis, by completing and returning the 2024 Medal Order Form. Order early to guarantee getting your medals. Mintage: 75. Thank you for supporting our club with your purchase!


Our club medals for 2021 are still available! The pricing for 0.999 fine silver medals is $38.

This medal was designed by our club President, Suzy Trigonis. The design is of the Calvin C. Flint Center for Performing Arts at DeAnza College in Cupertino, CA, which is slated to be demolished. It was named after the Foothill-DeAnza Community College District Superintendent and first Chancellor. The Flint Center was the campus venue for Broadway shows, ballet performances, celebrity & author talks, and orchestral concerts which opened in 1971 and held its last event, Palo Alto University graduation, on June 22, 2019.  The Flint Center for the Performing Arts was the place where the young Apple co-founder Steve Jobs unveiled the first Macintosh computer in 1984. Singer Johnny Cash, actor Cary Grant, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and every U.S. president since Richard Nixon except George W. Bush and Donald Trump took to the stage over the decades. Our club medals will again come in a variety of metals, including silver, bronze, and copper.


The club’s 2020 medals are still available for order. This year’s medal was designed by Board Director, Betty Homes. The image is of the California quail and comes in 1 oz. 0.999 fine silver, golden bronze or antique bronze.

antique bronze

golden bronze

2019 Club Medal

1 oz. 0.999 fine silver

The 2019 Cupertino Coin Club Medals are still available. This medal was designed by Dan Brintnall who sadly passed away January 2024. His design commemorated the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing.

Quantities are limited, so be sure to get your order submitted before they run out. See Medals Chair, Emile, at a club meeting or email the club at to inquire.

Some previous years’ medals: